List of Figures

  1. Process-Methods-Tools-Environment (PMTE) paradigm, where the TGM prescribes the Process and Methodology, supported by the Test-bed technical infrastructure (Tools)..

  2. The Common Information and Simulation Space allow the exchange of well-structured, informative messages.

  3. Test-bed reference implementation: the components inside the yellow rectangle are being developed as open source tools in the DRIVER+ project.

  4. High-level overview of the technical infrastructure needed for a Trial.

  5. Test-bed composer's home page.

  6. Test-bed composer: Selecting a solution.

  7. Test-bed composer: Downloading the docker-compose.yml file.

  8. Conceptual diagram of gateways translating messages back and forth between CIS and CSS.

  9. Selecting a different configuration in the Admin tool.

  10. Exonaut timeline example.

  11. Edit a scenario, including specifying start and end time and creating checklists.

  12. A scenario timeline is comparable to a project manager's Gantt chart.

  13. A running scenario can be paused, and certain messages require manual confirmation.

  14. Observer Support Tool: Left, an overview of available observation templates. Right, one of the observation templates is selected.

  15. In the AAR, messages can be filter, inspected and made visual on the timeline.

  16. AAR sequence diagram, showing the interaction between filtered systems.

  17. In case no TMT is running, the Test-bed time-service GUI can also be used to start/stop/pause a Trial, as well as set the simulation speed.

  18. Screenshot of Landoop's Kafka topics UI, which is part of our test-bed.

  19. Screenshot of Landoop's AVRO schema registry, which is part of our test-bed.

  20. Screenshot displaying the Replay service's GUI interface.

  21. State diagram of the time service.

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